Google Classroom and Differentiation

2-2017Kia ora.

This week’s post outlines some of the exciting updates to Google Classroom and how you can use Google Classroom to differentiate student learning.

Tech Tuesday this week will have a Google Classroom focus so if you are new to Google Classroom come along and I will go over how to get started – in A4 from 3.30 – 4.30.

Differentiation and Google Classroom

Google Classroom LogoFor the start of 2017 Google Classroom has had some exciting updates. One of these is that teachers can now differentiate assignments so you no longer have to assign the same assignment to all the students in the class. You can now give assignments to individuals, and groups. But wait,  there is more…….

In this recent post, Kasey Bell of Shake Up Learning outlines how to differentiate assignments and includes other ideas for using Google Classroom to differentiate the learning for your students.

Here is the link: Digital Differentiation in Google Classroom

Eric Curts, from Control Alt Achieve  has posted on differentiating with Google Classroom and has some excellent suggestions on how to differentiate learning by using Google Classroom throughout the learning.

Here is the link: Triple Differentiation in Google Classroom – Beginning, Middle, and End

Claire Amos, Deputy Principal at Hobsonville Point Secondary School posted over the weekend on reinforcing best practice when using digital platforms.

Here is the link: Amplifying best practice with BYOD and Google Classroom (or any online platform)

Other Google Classroom Updates 

in 2016 there were many updates to Google Classroom and the link below takes you to a video made by Tech Nerd Services that shows you how to use the different features.. The guardian email feature is not currently activated at UHC  but will be soon so watch this space.

Here is the link to Video Tutorial:


Here is a link to a written version of the tutorial:
Google Tips: An Updated Overview of Google Classroom Features (2017)


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